Fri, 30 August 2019
Headlines: Hotness - Tapestry
- Successors
- Vampire: the Masquerade - Blood Feud
- Barrage
- Maracaibo (link:
- Undaunted: Normandy
- Hako Onna
New/Upcoming Releases - Time Chase
- Pigasus
- Farm Rescue
- Old West Empresario
- Pinnacle
- Adventure Island
Kickstarters - Shovel Knights: Dungeon Duels
- Windward
Direct download: DTN-648.mp3
Category: Friday News with Chris & Kitty
-- posted at: 5:21pm EST
Fri, 23 August 2019
Headlines - Monopoly Socialism Ed Starts Some Controversy
- Hasbro is Done With Plastic Packaging
- Contra, Bomberman, and Chocobos Are Coming to Tabletop
Hotness - Tapestry
- Snowdonia: Deluxe Master Set
- Quirky Circuits
- Rune Stones
- Merchants Cove
- Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated
New/Upcoming Releases - The Artemis Project
- Lockup: A Roll Player Tale
- The Captain is Dead: Dangerous Planet
- Dune: The Board Game
- Horrified
Kickstarters - Evil Dead 2: The Board Game
- Merchants Cove
Direct download: DTN-647.mp3
Category: Friday News with Chris & Kitty
-- posted at: 4:00pm EST
Fri, 16 August 2019
Hotness - Tapestry
- So, You’ve Been Eaten
- Ishtar: Gardens of Babylon
- Sleeping Gods
- Dune
- Black Angel
New/Upcoming Releases - Imperial Settlers: Empires of the North
- Towers of Arkhanos
- The Walking Dead: Something to Fear
- Dragonrealm
- Welcome to DinoWorld
- Race for the Chinese Zodiac
Kickstarters - Burgle Bros 2
- Pixel Demon's: REALM
Direct download: DTN-646.mp3
Category: Friday News with Chris & Kitty
-- posted at: 4:00pm EST
Fri, 9 August 2019
Headlines - GenCon numbers are in
- GenCon is over, so now it’s time to look toward Essen Spiel
- Board Game Geek gets a new logo
- Now a look at what’s going digital
Hotness - Tapestry
- Ankh: Gods of Egypt
- Sleeping Gods
- Black Angel
- Roll for Adventure
- Ultra Tiny Epic Galaxies
- Marvel Champions: The Card Game
- City of the Big Shoulders
- Etherfields
- So you’ve been eaten
New/Upcoming Releases - Sierra West
- Dead Man's Cabal
- Deadly Doodles
- Dizzle
- Passtally
- Scuttle!
- Tonari
Kickstarters - Trudvang Legends
- Sleeping Gods
Direct download: DTN-645.mp3
Category: Friday News with Chris & Kitty
-- posted at: 4:00pm EST
Fri, 2 August 2019
Headlines Hotness - Horrified
- Black Angel
- Edge of Darkness
- Terror Below
- Abomination: The Heir of Frankenstein
- Marvel Champions: The Card Game
- Machi Koro Legacy
- Ultra-Tiny Epic Galaxies
New Releases - Roll For Adventure
- Imhotep The Duel
- ChronoTrek
- Zombicide: Invader
Direct download: DTN-644.mp3
Category: Friday News with Chris & Kitty
-- posted at: 5:39pm EST