Fri, 31 May 2019
Headlines: The Hotness Review: - Etherfields
- Terra Mystica: Merchants of the Seas
- One Key
- Alter Quest
- Star Wars: Dark Side Rising
- Nuke Your Neighbor
New Releases: - High Risk
- Tales of Glory
- KeyForge: Age of Ascension
- Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Core Set and Curese of the Crimson Throne
- Waters of Nereus
Kickstarters: - Fickle
- Tussie Mussie
- Papillon
Direct download: DTN-635.mp3
Category: Friday News with Chris & Kitty
-- posted at: 4:00pm EDT
Fri, 24 May 2019
Headlines: Hotness: - LAMA
- Just One
- Wingspan
- The 7th Continent
- Carpe Diem
- Egizia: Shifting Sands
- Pandemic: Rapid Response
- Fabulantica
- Werewords
New/Upcoming Releases: - Wacky Races: The Board Game
- Guradian's Call
- Monsters Vs. Heroes: Cthulhu Mythos
Direct download: DTN-634.mp3
Category: Friday News with Chris & Kitty
-- posted at: 5:00am EDT
Fri, 17 May 2019
Headlines: - New Tariffs Target Games and Toys
- Space Invaders The Board Game
- Terraforming Mars is in Beta on Android
- The Gaming Goat No Longer Able to Sell Stonemaier Games
Hotness: - Kanagawa: Yokai
- Egizia: Shifting Sands
- Tiny Towns
- The 7th Continent
- Europe Divided
- De Vulgari Eloquentia
New/Upcoming Releases - One Key
- Punto
- Rat-a-Tat Roll
- Rebel Nox
- Dicium
- Troll & Dragon
Kickstarters - It's a Wonderful World
- Dice Upon a Time
Direct download: DTN-633.mp3
Category: Friday News with Chris & Kitty
-- posted at: 5:00am EDT
Fri, 10 May 2019
Headlines: Hotness: - Noctiluca
- Clinic
- Super Punch Fighter
- Tiny Towns
- Gloomhaven: Forgotten Circles
- Die Macher
New/Upcoming Releases: - HellBoy: The Board Game
- Papua
- Battle for Biternia
- Monster Slaughter
- Dobbers: Quest for the Key
- Wooly Whammoth
Kickstarters: - Starving Artist
- Matryoshka
Direct download: DTN-632-2.mp3
Category: Friday News with Chris & Kitty
-- posted at: 5:00am EDT
Fri, 3 May 2019
Headlines: Hotness: New Releases: - Subtext
- Godsforge
- Deep Space D-6
- Doppleganger
Kickstarters: - Plague Inc: Armageddon Expansion
Direct download: DTN-631.mp3
Category: Friday News with Chris & Kitty
-- posted at: 5:00am EDT