This is Dice Tower Now for the week of August 1, 2022. This week, everyone gets a pinball for christmas, Kolossal is Almost Innocent, we Flatout compare Cities to Salads, and I’m in Colorado!
- North Star Games rebrands
- WizKids announces Super Skill Pinball Holiday Special
- Dice Hunters of Therion coming from Richard Garfield
- Munchkin Turtle Carnage coming from Steve Jackson Games
- Marvel Legendary expansions 29, 30, and 31 detailed
- HeroQuest Frozen Horror expansion on Hasbro Pulse
- Magic the Gathering UnFinity announced
- Cranio Creations My Shelfe from Phil Walker-Harding and Matthew Dunstan
- Dulce coming from Stronghold Games and Julio E. Nazario
- Almost Innocent from Kolossal Games and designer Philippe Attali
- Fantasy Flight announces last physical expansion for Journeys in Middle Earth
- Flatout Games making Point City
- Galileo Project will be sequel to Ganymede from Hachette
- Hachette making party game Oh Really
- Smash Up 10th Anniversary Edition coming from AEG
- Insecta: Ladies of Entomology coming from Mont Tàber
- Cosmic Encounter: Cosmic Odyssey Campaign by Fantasy Flight Games
- So, You've Been Eaten by Scott Almes and Ludicreations
- It’s a Wonderful Kingdom by Frédéric Guérard, published by Lucky Duck
- Viticulture World: Cooperative Expansion designed by Mihir Shah and Francesco Testini, published by Stonemaier Games
- Ice Hoppers by Oussama Khelifati, published by Blue Orange Games
- EXIT: The Lord Of The Rings - Shadows Over Middle-Earth by Inka and Markus Brand, published by Thames Kosmos
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